French American Innovation Midwest (FAIM2020): October 21st - 22nd


Event ended.

FAIM2020 is a communication and collaboration platform organized around a variety of events. Collaborative innovation is a great accelator!


French-American Innovation Midwest (FAIM) is a communication and collaboration platform organized around a variety of events (discussion panels, mini stories, presentations, B2B and connect chat) that provides examples and opportunities of French-American synergies and joint innovation. Collaborative innovation is a great accelerator for the relationship between our countries and our people.

The French-American Chamber of Commerce, Minnesota Chapter (FACCMN) is organizing this year's FAIM 2020 in collaboration with the following FACC Midwest Chapters: Ohio, Michigan and Chicago and with the support of FACCMN members from the  University of Minnesota and the Mayo Clinic, as well as the Consulate General of France for the Midwest.

The topic of FAIM 2020 is:

"Virtual Health: New challenges & opportunities"

This is a 2-day virtual event with discussion panels, mini stories, presentations, workshops, B2B meetings and more.

Conversations & scheduling in progress with experts from the following organizations:

In the USA:

  • Cardinal Health (Topic: online orders for hospitals US and Europe)
  • Cleveland Clinic (Topic for a Panel Discussion: development and production of vaccines)
  • Maxime Healthcare (Topic: telehealth reimbursement)
  • Mayo Clinic
  • Medical Alley


  • Société Française de Santé Digitale
  • French Tech / Health Tech
  • BIOValley, Strasbourg
  • Hôpital de Rennes
  • CHU de Rouen: on the topic of virtual autopsy for legal investigation 

Registration will open soon. Please email FACC-Chicago Executive Director Andrea Jett Fletcher if you are interested in attending.

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